School starts tomorrow
And no one can sleep.
There’s tossing and turning
As I watch the time creep.
Your backpack is filled
With supplies from the store,
And your shoes are lined up
Right in front of the door.
There’s part of me singing
And dancing a jig,
While inside I’m wondering
When you got so big.
You’re taller, you’re smarter,
You’re ready to grow,
But part of me just
Doesn’t want to let go.
The summer is over,
But no need to be sad.
We will never forget
All the good times we had.
We laughed and we played,
Had adventures and fun.
The days went by quickly,
But I cherish each one.
Tomorrow you’ll start
Your next year at school,
And I’ll hug you and kiss you
Even if it’s not cool!
You’re nervous, excited,
A little bit scared,
And all I can hope is that
You feel prepared.
I remember those feelings
When I was your age.
So, a little advice
From your Mama, the sage:
Be kind and be caring.
Say, “How do you do?”
All the kids in your class
Are new at this too!
Be yourself — you’re unique—
Be one of a kind.
Most important of all —
Please open your mind.
Listen and share,
Raise your hand, wait your turn.
Have a question? Just ask!
There is so much to learn.
Get some sleep now, my love.
Morning comes all too soon.
Just one hundred and eighty
More days until June.