Dandelion Wishes

An essential part of being a kid is picking yellow dandelions and giving them to everyone you know.  As a parent and former teacher, I have received my fair share of dandelion bouquets, worn dandelions in my hair, and even put dandelions in a vase full of water.

But the quintessential part of being a kid is picking the whitest, fluffiest dandelions you can find, making a wish, and blowing off every last possible seed (stomping on them is super fun too).

05-05-2013 DandelionsAs a grownup, I now know the effects of making those wishes, as more and more dandelions sprout up all over our lawn.  But, I still know the magic that lies within and don’t feel that I have the right to stand in the way of anyone’s wishes.

And so, my children pick their dandelions, both yellow and white.  And so, I do my best to appreciate every bouquet, hair decoration, and centerpiece I am given.  And so, I watch both in horror and in wonder as hundreds of new dandelion seeds take their journey in my backyard and beyond.

My neighbors must hate me.


3 responses to “Dandelion Wishes”

  1. Judith kawalek

    Love to you and your lucky children!

  2. Steve

    They should thank you! Dandelions do wonders to aerate the soil and prepare it for future planting. Plus they’re good to eat.

  3. Unless you have a neighbor like me. I think they are pretty. And I don’t care for grass. Nice your kids like dandelions so much! Sounds like they enjoy being outside.