Category: breastfeeding

  • 1,461 Days (A Letter To My Son on His Fourth Birthday)

    My Dear Son,

    For 1,461 days I have held your hand, carried you close, and stroked your hair.

    For 1,461 days I have wiped away your tears, kissed your boo boos, wrestled with you, and tickled you until your belly ached.

    For 1,461 days I have nursed you, nourished you, protected you, and bonded with you.

    For 1,461 days I have watched you grow, learn, and develop your own unique personality.

    For 1,461 days I have laughed with you, cried with you, and worried sick about you.

    For 1,461 days I have cheered you on when you won and comforted you when you lost.

    For 1,461 days I have watched you become more confident, develop a sense of humor, learn how to share and play well with others, and grow your imagination.

    2013-02-18 Collage
    Photo on left: One minute old, February 18, 2009 / Photo on right: 4 years old, February 18, 2013

    For 1,461 days I have pushed you to explore the world and have offered a warm lap and open arms when it was too much. For 1,461 days I have rocked you, walked with you, and driven you in circles just so you could get the rest you needed.

    For 1,461 days I have cooked for you and re-cooked for you when you weren’t happy with the first selection.

    For 1,461 days I have watched you crawl, walk, run, jump, hop, and ride a bicycle.

    For 1,461 days I have slept by your side, listened to you breathe, and rested my hand on your beating heart.

    For 1,461 days I have read to you, played with you, given you opportunities to investigate and make your own discoveries, and tried to empower you with knowledge.

    For 1,461 days I have sung to you, made up stories for you, and listened to your every word.

    For 1,461 days I have wished for you, prayed for you, and dreamed big dreams for you.

    For 1,461 days I have loved you more and more.

    For 1,461 days you have made my world… this world… a better place.

    Happy fourth birthday, my darling boy.




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  • Got Breastmilk Thawing Because of Hurricane Sandy? Maybe We Can Help…

    For nursing/pumping mothers in NJ still without power, we have an empty freezer and will house your pumped milk until your power is restored! Contact us if you need our help!

    Please take a moment to share this on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. and in with any appropriate groups. Thanks so much!

  • Milk by Any Other Name is Still Milk!

    I had the breast pump out.  I was going to be out of the house for a while the following day and my kids were going to stay home with my husband.  I figured just in case my baby daughter woke up and needed milk, I’d try to have some available to her, although she isn’t really used to taking a bottle.  I don’t pump often because I don’t have the time, I’m almost always home with the kids so I don’t need to, and I have that excess lipase issue which just adds an extra step to the whole storing thing.

    During my daughter’s nap the other day, my son began examining the pump.  “Mama, how does this work?”  So, I began explaining as best I could.  He wanted to see it in action.  I found the pieces I needed which were clean but not sterilized.  I was able to pump about an ounce.  I was thrilled.  He was fascinated.

    As I have been desperately trying to wean my son, I suddenly had a brilliant idea.  “Hey,” I said, “Why don’t I put this in a cup for you?”  I got out a special cup and a crazy straw and poured the milk from the bottle.  I handed it to him and watched.  Then, my son (who is addicted to nursing) examined it closely, turned his nose up at it, and handed the cup back to me with a “No, thanks!”  He actually seemed grossed out by the whole thing, which is weird because he begged to start nursing again immediately afterwards!

    I would have loved to save this pumped milk for baby girl, but it had sat out too long without scalding so it was already beginning to spoil.  I ended up pouring the milk down the drain which, as anyone who pumps knows, breaks your heart a little as each drop disappears.

    As for my son, I have tried cow’s milk, coconut milk, almond milk (plain and vanilla), soy milk, chocolate milk, Pediasure, Kefir, etc.  Nothing has worked as a substitute – not even my own milk in a cup!  I know it’s also about the closeness and bonding which I take very seriously, but come on, kid!  You can sit on my lap and snuggle with me while drinking my milk from a cup, can’t you?  Apparently not.  Sigh.